Two years before his famous encounter with Montezuma, Cortes is sent on a scouting mission to shores south of Mexico where he and his band of Conquistadores discover a small tribe of Aztecs who sacrifice their own people to satisfy the hunger of the "Thunder Lizard" living in the jungle.
- DIRECTOR : Brian Trenchard-Smith
- WRITER : Richard Manning
- CAST : Ian Ziering, Marco Sanchez & Kalani Queypo
- LOCATION : Hawaii
- EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS : Christian Arnold-Beutel, John C. Ching, Jeffrey M. Hayes, David Kemper, John F.S. Laing, Deborah Y. Lau, Jason K. Lau, David Macaione, Tim McGrath
- PRODUCERS : Dennis Duckwall, David Dwiggins
- DISTRIBUTOR : SyFy Channel